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Lens Types:

Single Vision - The most common type of prescription lens. This features a single field of vision through out the entire lens for correcting nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia).


Bifocal - Bifocal lenses have two viewing areas divided by a visible line; a larger viewing area for distance and a smaller portion near the bottom for reading (presbyopia).


Tri-focal - Similar to a bi-focal, a Tri-focal has an additional line above the reading portion that offers an intermediate viewing area. 


Progressive - A blended bi-focal that offers a distance, intermediate and reading portion within the lens without the visible line. Many prefer this option for cosmetic reasons.

Lens Material & Enhancements:


Anti-Reflective - A clear coating on the lens that helps prevent reflection when driving at night time or when using a tablet or computer,as well as, increasing the longevity of your lenses.

  • Crizal Avance - Everyday wear to reduce glare while driving, overhead lighting and watching TV.

  • Crizal Prevencia - For increased computer/tablet usage. This has a built in blue light filter that helps light transfer safely through the eye. Many use this for a computer pair of eyeglasses.


Polycarbonate - A thinner and lighter option than plastic, poly-carbonate is an impact resistant lens. These are ideal for kids or active adults.


Hi-Index - A thinner and lighter option than polycarbonate. Most commonly used for patients with a higher correction to help center the prescription as well as thinning the lens so they are lighter weight for everyday use.


Transition - An added coating that allows the lenses to change from light to dark when inside or outside with 20% UV protection. However, due to the UV protection on windshields, this does not allow for them to transition in a vehicle. We do offer an Xtra-active transition that allows the lenses to transition in vehicles but will have a permanent light tint on the lens when indoors.


Polarized - 100% UV protection. Commonly used for prescription sunglasses for patients who do not wear contacts. We also offer polarized sunglasses for those who do not need a correction.


Chemistrie Clip - Out of pocket cost. As of now, NO vision insurance cover this enhancement. This is a magnetic clip on that is built into your lens to provide a 100% UV protected lens when outdoors. Many patients choose this option if they do not like transitions or prefer to not have to switch from two different eyeglasses.

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